Monday 9 July 2012

Rejab, Sya'aban and welcoming the holy month of Ramadhan

An hour before midnight, I am half asleep but since I pledged to write at least a 100 words at this blog a day, I cannot just ignore my laptop screen calling me softly, ;)...

19 Sya'aban, another 11 days to the  holy month of Ramadhan, the month that is very much awaited by Muslims around the world. It is during this holy month, Muslims working with all the nature that shares the same mission, with the purpose of obtaining the grace from Allah s.w.t. It is the month full of blessings and glory. It is the month of fasting, the month of 'tilawah' Quran, the month of 'terawikh' , and the month of giving. Despite of all the benefits and grandeur or this month, what about our spirit and our preparation of welcoming Ramadhan?

Shopping phenomenon began. Vehicles rushes to shopping malls during weekends, vomitting the passengers where they flock the doors of shopping malls with their loved ones. Roads were heavily congested and shoulders were brushed as we walk in the shopping malls. At least that is the view of Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman and Sogo shopping complex these few weeks. And its not even Ramadhan, ...:D...

What I am going to review here today were the tips to welcome Ramadhan ;

1) Pray to Allah the Al-mighty, that we shall be bless with good health to meet Ramadhan, so we can pull the strength and all effort we have for our ibadah puasa, solat, tarawikh and sedekah.

2) Praise and thank Allah for the gift of Ramadhan , to again be given to us

3) Rejoice the coming of Ramadhan.

4) Plan your activity to get as much benefits from Ramadhan. Ramadhan is a very short period of time. Therefore, fill the cavity of the month in each second with good deeds, precious thoughts and practise that can clean ourselves spiritual and physically, and get ourselves closer to Allah s.w.t

5) Look upon Ramadhan with determination for obedience to Allah s.w.t. Allah will help those who are being honest to Him and He shall ease His servants burden.

6) Celebrate Ramadhan with determination to leave sin and bad habits. Ramadhan is the month of repentance.

Nevertheless, do not misunderstood me by saying, shopping before the starting of Ramadhan is sinful. Have to be understood here that, many people now, chose to spend their Ramadhan peaceful at home with family or just to spend more time for their 'ibadah' rather than spending days, hours and hours of it at shopping malls finding the best of baju raya. It's a choice each individual opt and respect them. After all, 'twitting' is a sin , ..:) don't 'twit' other people.

Have a good night sleep, till we meet again, Assalamualaikum wbt.

Tips were reviewed from Panduan Ramadhan (Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal, 2009), Darussyifa' Online (

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